Hot and Cold Domestic Water Systems

It is a requirement in the UK that all building owners / operators / managers undertake a risk assessment of the water supplies being used in a building, typically covering hot and cold down water services, ornamental features, spas, pools etc.  This is required by The Health & Safety Executive in their ACoP document HSE-L8 & HSG274 Part 2, all of which specifically covers the control of Legionella bacteria in water systems.


As part of Waterwide’s services to its clients, we undertake full Legionella risk assessment surveys to determine risk status associated with such systems.  Waterwide provides a fully comprehensive documentation system which allows the client to demonstrate monitoring and control in all areas covered by the assessment.   As part of a domestic water services monitoring contract, clients receive:


  • Temperature profiling of water assets, including flow and return temperatures of calorifiers
  • Tank inspection
  • Sentinel outlet Legionella sampling, analysis interpretation and advice for corrective action
  • Sentinel outlet sampling for Coliforms, E.Coli, Total Viable Counts at 22°C & 37°C, analysis interpretation and advice for corrective action
  • Client review
  • Showerhead and little-used outlet flushing regimes
  • Showerhead cleaning and disinfection


Clients have access to Waterwide’s online aquaAdept system, where you can view all results of water monitoring using your own unique login details.  This system maintains a full history of every outlet, and specifically shows any non-conforming outlets with an audit trail of corrective actions carried out to result in closing the non-conformance.  Reports of all results of water monitoring carried out by Waterwide can be viewed, printed or downloaded.  All documents relating to the contract are available to view in this online portal, including the current Legionella Risk Assessment.